Resolutions Reports
- 2019.07 Memorandum Greenlane Freshwater Mussel Rear Center
- 2020-13 Master Castings CORRECTED 8.3.22
- 2020-13 Master Castings.CORRECTED 6.28.22
- 2021-14 Establishment of Fees for Water Shutoff Procedures
- 2022-01 Authorizing the Establishment Fees for TV Inspection of Private Sewer Main Line and Laterals
- 2022-02 Authorizing the Treasurer & Secretary to Sign Documents in Absence of Board Chair and Vice Chair
- 2022-03 - Authorizing Statewide Local Share Assess - Sewer lateral Project
- 2022-04 - Authorizing Statewide Local Share Assess - WWTP Project
- 2022-05 - Sewer Rate Modifications
- 2022-06 - Tapping Fees and Inspection
- 2022-07 - Destruction of Records
- 2022-08 MMO 2023
- 2022-09 - Approving Consent Assessment with DEP
- 2022-10 - Authorization to Sign ROC, Prof Services & Sewer Connection Agreements
- 2022-11 - Authorization to Apply for Pa Small Water and Sewer Grants
- 2022-12 - Authorization to Apply for Pa H2O Grant
- 2023-01 - Accepting the Dedication of the Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure constructed during Phase I and II of Stillwaters Development
- 2023-02 - Tapping Fees and Inspection
- 2023-03 - Sewer Rate Modifications
- 2023-04 - Destruction of Records
- 2023-05 Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO)
- 2023-06 Lateral Lining Grant Application
- 2023-07 Digester Rehabilitation Project Grant Application
- 2023-08 Lateral Lining Grant Application
- 2023-09 Lateral Lining Grant Application
- 2023-10 LSA Grant for Vehicle & Equipment Purchase
- 2023-11 LSA Grant for Manhole Rehabilitation
- 2023-12 LSA Grant Pennsburg Pump Station
- 2024-01 Change in Payment Schedule for Board Members
- 2024-02 Reduce fee for voluntary inspection
- 2024-03 Tapping Fees and Inspection
- 2024-04 Sewer Rate Modifications
- 2024-05 Sewer Rate Modification
- 2024-06 Adoption of 2024 Fee Schedule
- 2024-07 Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO)
- 2024-08 - LSA Grant - Compressor Room HVAC Upgrade
- 2024-09 - LSA Grant - Graber Rd & Bitting Alley - Sewer Lining
- 2024-10 - LSA Grant - Vehicle and Equipment Purchase
- 2024-11 - LSA Grant - Red Hill Gun Club PS Improvements
- 2024-12 - LSA Grant - WWTP Generator PLC & SCADA
- 2024-13 - LSA Grant - State, Valley & 4th Street - Sewer Lining
- 2024-14 - LSA Grant - Lateral Lining & Rehab Project - East Greenville & Pennsburg
- 2024-15 - LSA Grant - Centrifuge Replacement Project